Examples of Color

Just as there are a million ways to draw, there are at least that many ways to use color in drawing.  To get a some idea of what’s possible, check out some of the sketching books now available.  Here are two of my favorites:


The Art of Urban Sketching by Gabriel Companario presents the work of artists around the globe who draw on location.  It provides a wonderful showcase of styles and techniques.  You’ll find drawings using crayon, pastels, markers, colored pencils, and watercolors.   Each artist shares information about their technique and materials.  This book is sure to inspire you to pick up a sketchbook, go outside and draw.    If you have time check out these  links to the contributors .



An Illustrated Journey by Danny Gregory is tag-lined, “Inspiration from the Private Art Journals of Traveling Artists, Illustrators and Designers.”  In this book you’ll discover more examples of great drawing using a wide range of materials.  It’s obvious these artists are having fun documenting their world, their drawings are full of color and energy.  Here’s a link for more details.

One of the things I love about both books is that they show that there is no right or wrong way to draw.  Each artist is totally unique.  They draw true to themselves and their personal vision.  Their use of materials, their approach to subject matter and their techniques all support that vision.  What makes each artist book worthy is that their drawings display both confidence and experience – which, of course, all comes from practice.

Stay tuned next week for a video showing how I add my color wash to drawings

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